Wanted Briton, 74, arrested in Pego

GRA042. VALENCIA, 16/11/2016.- Un exprofesor británico de 74 años ha sido detenido en Pego (Alicante) en virtud a una 'orden europea de detención y entrega' como presunto autor de varios delitos de agresión sexual contra menores de edad en su país. EFE/Policia Nacional ###SOLO USO EDITORIAL###

A BRITISH schoolteacher charged with sexually assaulting two teenage girls has been arrested in Pego.
The 74-year-old, who was under a European arrest warrant from the UK, has not yet been named but is thought to have been working at a high school in Maidenhead, Berkshire, at the time of the offences.
Little is yet known about his crimes, other than that the victims were two girls aged 13 and 16.


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