Rocking for charity

Rock festival raises cash for autistic children


A BOXING Day rock festival will bring some of the top local and national bands and solo artists Gandia to raise money for children with autism.
They include Sting’s drummer, reality pop-star show Operación Triunfo winner Virginia Labouré, and artists from the bands Zigarros, The Cabriolets and The Walkers.
Classic rock and pop-rock recognisable to music-lovers of every generation and in every country will be performed from 23.30 on Saturday, December 26 at Pub Dublín on Gandia beach.
Supporting act The Graham Foster Band will open the event, followed by a long list of artists and groups including Virginia Maestro, Jimmy Barnatán, Oscar Briz, Betty Fish, Junior Mackenzie, Tom Windfrid, Sonal, Ovidi Tormo, Natxo Tamarit, Sergio González, Marcelo Pesoa, Adrian Ribes, Isma Romero, Juan Ferro, Sergio Puchades, Angela Vera and Matthias Coblenzer.


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