‘Play to understand; experiment to create’


What is the secret of Leonardo da Vinci’s imagination? Answers to this question are being offered in an exhibition in Santa Pola which runs from July 18-August 8.

The exhibition brings visitors closer to the Italian polymath’s most essential feature: Insatiable curiosity. An expert in several disciplines, Da Vinci’s creativity is born from his great capacity for observation and experimentation. Through his own methods, he moved away from classical learning mechanisms and established a new school based on analogies and empiricism.

Leonardo’s achievements are the common denominator of intelligence and sensitivity. For that reason, organiser, Caixa Bank foundation believes that the best tribute is to awaken the desire to learn and apply his teachings to our way of understanding life.

To this end they invite visitors to explore the world of Da Vinci through observation and analysis: ‘Play to understand; experiment to create’.

Discover the principles of Da Vinci’s creativity through interactive exhibits, audio-visuals, games and full-size models of some of his inventions.

The exhibition is taking place on the Paseo Marítimo (opposite Restaurante Batiste) and is open daily from 11.00-14.00 and 18.00-24.00.

Admission is free but tickets are required to avoid overcrowding at specific times.

Tickets are available online from https://tickets.caixaforum.org/lacaixa_expo/es_ES/entradas/evento/38119


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