Plainclothes cops root out bin rule breakers

Rubbish must be deposited in bins between 8pm and 11pm (Photo: CDSN)

BENALMÁDENA town hall has confirmed to CDSN that rubbish bins are being monitored by a plainclothes local police patrol.

The cops are targeting rubbish rule breakers who leave bin-bags and other items outside containers or do not stick to the permitted hours for depositing waste. People caught breaking the rules are ticketed on the spot, with fines starting at €300 for throwing rubbish in the bins outside the permitted hours of between 8pm and 11pm.


  1. And we have to pay the Ayuntamiento for the rubbish too !
    They profit from us recycling and they dont do house to house collections any more, but we still have to pay ?
    The times are a joke, man…

  2. Regarding your waste bin article, did you mean “out with the hours of 8AM UNTIL 11PM”?
    It surprises me that commercial properties such as bars and restaurants are allowed to use local refuse bins, this is not the case in the UK, they supply their own bins and are responsible for the cleanliness.
    If they are allowed to use them, they should be responsible for cleaning all spillages, generally they are disgustingly filthy.


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