Pablo goes home for the holidays

The 20-year-old leukaemia patient and marrow donation campaigner is released from hospital after transplant, but is not fully cured

Pablo striking his trademark 'always strong' pose after leaving the hospital on Monday

LEUKAEMIA patient and bone marrow donation campaigner Pablo Ráez will be home for Christmas after he was released from hospital on Monday following his November 18 marrow transplant. However, he says that not all is good news.

On a Facebook post the 20-year-old Marbella native said he still has traces of leukaemia in his system (4%), and “there are other technical details that are difficult to understand and are not very positive, so I won’t go into them”.

“I must now be patient, confident and not give up because I still have a ways to go in this long-distance race,” he said.


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