Málaga’s top speed traps

Radar camera at Carlos Haya tunnel issues fourth-highest fines in all of Spain

The radar camera at the approach to the Carlos Haya tunnel, mounted atop a motorway sign

THREE radar speed traps in Málaga are amongst the Top 20 nationally that generated the most in fines during 2016. According to the traffic authority (DGT), the province has 51 fixed and mobile units which contributed to the national total of €164.2 million collected in fines from motorists found guilty of speeding and other offences.

However, three locally stand out, having brought in €3.61 million between them last year. The largest figure of €1.52 million – the fourth highest in all of Spain – was generated by the unit on the MA-20 western ring road just before the Carlos Haya tunnel where the speed limit is 80 kph.


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