Drugs found in couple’s dog carrier at Denia port

Photo: Guardia Civil

Guardia Civil have seized over half a kilo of methamphetamine from a couple at Denia port.
During a checkpoint for boarding ferries to the Balearic Islands, a patrol from the duties and borders division based in Calpe spotted a vehicle that made them suspicious, according to a spokesperson for the force.
It was occupied by a man and a woman, who were aged 27 and 35 respectively and both from Venezuela, he explained.
The couple were accompanied by a small dog in a fabric pet carrier, which the woman clung onto and got out of the vehicle when the officers approached.
The officers searched the vehicle and the occupants’ belongings, telling the woman to take the animal out of the pet carrier so that it could be checked too.
Underneath the towel inside the pet carrier, they discovered a package across the base, which was wrapped in vacuum-sealed black plastic with a magnetic sticker on one side.
The officers opened it to find another layer of vacuum-sealed plastic, this one transparent, with a pink-coloured powder inside.
The woman told them the substance was 2C-B, a drug sometimes known as pink cocaine, so they opened the package and took a sample for testing, which found that it contained methamphetamines.
After weighing the quantity of the drug, which amounted to 514.89 grams, the officers arrested the couple on suspicion of a public health offence for drug dealing.
The suspects were handed over to a court in Denia, which released them on bail subject to precautionary measures.


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