Text messages embarrass Royal family

Queen Letizia sent words of support to a banking scandal suspect

FILE epa04808518 Spanish Queen Letizia (R) and King Felipe VI (L) chat during the decoration ceremony of the Order of Civil Merit medal held on the anniversary of the King's proclamation at the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain, 19 June 2015. EPA/SERGIO BARRENECHEA / POOL (zu dpa "Deftige Textbotschaften bringen Spaniens Königspaar in Erklärungsnot" vom 11.03.2016) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

Text messages from Queen Letizia pledging support for a businessman suspected of involvement in a banking scandal have been published by on-line portal eldiario.es. Javier López Madrid, a long-time friend of King Felipe, is amongst dozens of former executives and board members from Caja Madrid and Bankia accused of using corporate credit cards to run up bills totalling about €12 million on personal expenses.

According to eldiario.es, the Queen wrote to López in October 2014 when the scandal broke, saying: “We know who you are and you know who we are. We know each other, like each other, respect each other. To hell with the rest. Kisses yoga mate (miss you!!!)”


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