Stolen tools recovered in Campello

Some of the stolen tools recovered by Campello local police
Some of the stolen tools recovered by Campello local police

Local police in Campello have managed to recover some of the equipment and tools stolen from inside a van.

The presence of a person with a case containing tools, a rucksack and other work equipment walking along a street in the town centre at 01.00 aroused the suspicion of a local police patrol on the night shift. It was not the time for this kind of work, so the patrol decided to find out what was going on.

When the man was intercepted, he was identified and it was found that he had a previous conviction for theft.

Shortly afterwards, a complaint was made by a worker who complained that his work equipment and materials had been stolen from a van. Some of the stolen material was recovered from the suspect, who was then transferred to the Guardia Civil station.

The victim estimated the total value of the stolen tools at €3,000, so it is suspected that the identified man disposed of some of his loot before being intercepted


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