Personal mobility vehicle checks



LOCAL police in Benidorm carried out a personal mobility vehicle (PMV) campaign, resulting in 265 checks in the last two months.

A total of 70% of the fines issued were for driving in pedestrian areas, and 14% were for not wearing a helmet.

In January, the local police began to intensify surveillance due to the proliferation of PMVs and their urban use in the municipality. Faced with this situation, the police considered it necessary to take measures to ensure safe circulation for the drivers of this type of vehicle – mostly scooters – and other road users.

The campaign was stepped up in May ‘because of confusion among users of these vehicles, given that the regulation depends on each local authority and can therefore be different in different municipalities’, according to the councillor for public safety, Jesús Carrobles.

During May and June a total of 28 vehicles were impounded.

The campaign will continue throughout the summer season, ‘with the aim of continuing to inform and control the use of these vehicles, with the main mission of raising awareness among PMV drivers’, added the councillor.

Sr Carrobles said that the residents’ council had already expressed concern at recent meetings about the proliferation of these vehicles, which are often driven through pedestrian areas where they are prohibited.

“They had asked us to take measures to reduce the problem and, in addition to the campaigns and controls, we are also working on putting up signs in several areas, but it is a process that takes time if it is to be done well,” concluded Sr Carrobles.


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