New coronavirus cases on the wane in Valencia region


There were more new cases of coronavirus confirmed in the Valencia region today (398) than yesterday (326) – but these numbers represent a significant decrease on the figures reported on Saturday and Sunday, which were 502 and 750 respectively.

The number of deaths of patients with coronavirus in the region has also gone down – with 29 reported today and 43 yesterday.

Councillor for health in Valencia region, Ana Barceló stated that the death toll has now risen to 339 – with 81 of the deaths in residential care homes.

Of these, 34 have occurred in Castellón province, 147 in Alicante province and 158 in Valencia province.

Commenting on the new cases, Sra Barceló explained that 27 were in Castellón province, 182 in Alicante and 189 in Valencia.

Sra Barceló stated that there are now 5,508 cases of coronavirus in the Valencia region.

A total of 2,189 of the patients are being treated in hospital, with 356 of these in intensive care wards.

A total of 892 healthcare professionals have tested positive for the virus, noted Sra Barceló, and 200 people have recovered from Covid-19 in Valencia region.

For all the latest on the coronavirus and how the regional health authority is coping under the strain – see Friday’s Costa Blanca News – available in supermarkets, tobacconists/newspaper shops and online at



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