Winter fuel payment


March 11, 2016

Further to the letter of inquiry by a reader published in your Letters page on February 19, 2016 concerning the withdrawal of the winter fuel payment for residents from Spain, and in particular your published response offering our advice, not only to claim it before March 31 for the current winter, but also to make a formal complaint to the EU Commission for Employment.
We are now receiving inquiries as to the correct email address of the Head of Unit to which such complaints should be forwarded. The head of Unit responsible for inquiring into the UK’s temperature criteria and to whom complaints should be directed is Ms Anotonella Schulta-Braucks, whose email address we published on our website was correct as at 20/01/2015. It would appear that mail has been returned because at least one reader had mis-spelled this lady’s name.
In view of the large amount of inquiries their Heads of Unit receive, and in order to identify the subject matter, different email addresses are supplied by the Commissions. We therefore suggest that all complaints in the present matter should be addressed to for the attention of Ms Anton Schulte-Braucks. Readers should also remember that email addresses are case sensitive.
It is now doubtful that we will be able to enter into any further dialogue with the Commission until after the result of the Brexit is known.
We would be grateful if your readers can be informed of the email address shown above, and if they prefer, to write to address their complaint to Commission Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion DG, B-1049 Brussels.

David Burrage

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