The changes in CBNews


October 16

Dear Mr Parkes,
I always wanted to comment on the changes CBN has undergone after you took over the editor’s chair. I must admit to favouring the styles of past times, which brings me to the CBN front page: Can you imagine, The Times of London, NY Times, Washington Post, etc., substituting their gothically written names for modern characters?
Having been involved with cars all my life, my favoured contributor was always Shane Tonks. Mr Goodwrench, as I referred to him, did not write the column himself but instead someone at CBN who would make fun of him.
I still remember that piece about a Datsun Z 280 sports car, which gave Shane trouble as he couldn’t locate the fault and needed an undetermined time of testing the vehicle. Sarcastically, the CBN ghost-writer remarked: “Sure, a trip to Paris would be nice for the season…” In a letter I commented: “Shane, being in touch closely with that Japanese baby, will probably substitute his oil-soaked overall with a stylish, colourful Kimono… and greet his clients with ‘sayonara’ and when getting mad at the Z280 he will use the battle-cry when the Japs attacked Pearl Harbour: ‘Tora, Tora, Tora‘…”
There’s the ‘secret’ about Ian Frewer! In his last column, he was telling readers about his return to the UK and getting into politics. Thereafter, neither did his name appear on the letters page nor did he present a guest contribution.
I miss the sense of humour by Malcolm Smith, is he still alive? I once corresponded with him as he worked as an engineer with Jaguar Cars Ltd in Coventry and I used to export a number of E-Types to the USA.
In my opinion, CBN‘s quality has been improved very much. Paul Arnold masters the English language brilliantly, coupled with his sense of humour. The amazing Barry Wright brings all the Costa events to the readers‘ attention. The Sports section appears informative, regardless of the intolerant critics bitching about golf events.
Colour photos are a nice final touch. You and your team can be proud of the good work performed weekly.
The current price of CBN I’d call ‘humble’, as compared to the one of the German CBNachrichten. Another CBN price increase could be justified by alleging that Spain’s President Pedro Sánchez, aka el ‘desenterrador’ of a mummy called Paquito, has announced heavy tax increases in order to finance the recently approved national budget.

Best regards and good wishes for CBN
Wilfried Weissmann

Dear Mr Weissmann
Thank you indeed for your praise, which everyone will appreciate, and your faithful reading of Costa Blanca News for many years.
For your information, Malcolm Smith is still alive and kicking, although now fully retired, Ian Frewer returned to the UK and we lost track of him. As for Shane, he did actually write his own column (our receptionist recalls him bringing it in on pieces of scrap paper), although a certain degree of ghost-writing and checking had to be applied.
Thanks on behalf of Barry and Paul and all of us who are grateful for the appreciation of our weekly work. As for the price, I must also be grateful for your understanding and that of all readers who are still willing to show their appreciation in monetary form for quality journalism and true reported facts rather than constant free googled-translations and copy-cuts-and-pastes from internet.

Best regards
James Parkes


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