The Catalan Political Circus


October 22, 2017

Dear Sirs,
Last night’s TV program “La Sexta Noche” featured an interview with Spanish ex-judge Baltasar Garzón who famously sought the extradition of Chilean president Augusto Pinochet while receiving medical treatment in the UK, but was disbarred for 11 years for abuse of power during a probe into allegations of illegal financing of Spain’s Partido Popular (PP).
The Jurist underlined the fact that due to the suspension of the 1-0 (October 1st) referendum by the Constitutional Tribunal its outcome was lacking any juridical effect. Therefore, he criticized that law enforcement officers, frequently using excessive force, hindered ordinary people from dropping their ballots. Sr Garzón did not hesitate to sock it to Spain’s attorney general who, in front of the media, threatened Catalan president Puigdemont with a 30-year prison sentence for insurrection. According to Sr Garzón the chief law officer delivered a political statement and damaged the judicature’s reputation regarding impartiality.
In pungent language, a member of a Catalan independent party revealed the lack of interest in social issues by president Rajoy and his PP during the last couple of years coupled with arrogance and humiliation. Hence, he referred to the PP as “breeders of Catalan independence seekers”…
On Thursday, October 19th, the daily exodus of companies from Cataluña peaked at 1,268.

Wilfried Weissmann


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