Setting the record straight


January 15

Dear Sirs.
I feel I need to make a humble apology for missing your Merry Christmas greetings but I wasn’t the only one who didn’t see them, anyway, We did see the Happy New Year and that was nice
I just want to make a comment on a letter in your issue on the Jan 4. It was interesting and touched on a few subjects in the UK and also one or two things about my most unfavourite subject Brexit. This letter was anonymous but well written and interesting; I feel it needs a mention so thank you to the lady or gentleman who wrote it.
We are no nearer to an agreement in the Brexit negotiations, but this time next year we will have another touchy subject to discuss, you bet your life on it.
I have never written so many letters to a newspaper in my life, but this one is just to put the record straight, A lady called Alice sent a letter with reference to me as a Laddie, well I have to tell everyone that I am a pensioner and a female, I do keep up with all the news etc. and I love your paper.
I agree whole-heartedly with a Mr Lewis about his remarks on a letter in a previous issue.

Chris Vidal


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