Looking out for minors


Puerto de Mazarrón
August 30, 2018

Dear Sirs,
I am a former child protection social worker who retired here last August. From the Costa Blanca News newspaper, I know the stellar work your readers do for lost and abandoned pets. What I’ve noticed most however, has been the number of young children (male & female), especially on the beach who appear to be unattended. At times, they do seem to be attached to an adult/family group but it concerns me to then see the same child go off again at some distance while the other party is engaged in conversation, engrossed in some activity. I used to holiday here as I’m sure many of your readers did too, and am very impressed by the progress Spain has made. However, their trusting nature as regarding their children and the thousands of people who now frequent this country has led me to write this letter.
Perhaps I could ask your readers to keep a mindful eye open for such lone children to ensure their safety. I don’t mean they have to intervene directly with the child’s carer etc. unless they deem it necessary of course, in which case the wisest course is possibly via the police, but rather the adult (or teenager) who appears on the scene and approaches the child. Common sense then should prevail as to whether the child is at ease or not with that encounter. It is rare that child abduction occurs but it could just be something that your readers observes is exactly what is required to keep that child and consequently others safe.
I hope I’m making myself clear without alarming people unnecessary but we live now in much changed times.

Thank you.
Yours faithfully
J. M Marshall

P.S The same applies in the supermercado or any other public gathering.


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