Iberdrola charges

Hand writing text message on the paper sheet. Working as copywriter or journalist. Creative mind and brainstorm. Flat vector illustration

July 11

I would like to draw the attention of your newspaper to the conduct of electricity supplier Iberdrola following the introduction of the new charging periods.

We read about the new three-tier charging system in your newspaper and other sources in the month leading up to its introduction on June 1st. We had expected a communication from Iberdrola on the matter, including the charges for each tier. However, the only communication was a link to a web page listing the new times.

We were previously on a self-chosen eight-hour plan and, in the light of information in the media and with no instruction to the contrary from Iberdrola, assumed that we would be charged from June 1st according to the new 3 tier system. We therefore concentrated our heavy usage – washing machine, dishwasher, water heater, pool pump, etc – into the valley period from 00.00 to 08.00.

Our bill for June (attached), received by email on 2nd July, shows that between 05.06.21 and 22.06.21, 135 kWh out of a total 203 kWh (66.5%) was consumed during the P3 (valley) period but was included in the charge for non-promotional periods.

I queried this with Iberdrola online (they went no further than acknowledgements of 2 emails but opened a conversation on Facebook). Part of their response stated:

“Your supply is subject to the new regulations and that is the reason why the prices and the power charge have been modified, but they do not affect all types of tariffs in the same way. Unfortunately we can’t amend your bill, sorry.”

I drew their attention to the Useful Information at the foot of the bill which states:
“The time periods and prices on this bill have been adapted to CNMC Circular 3/2020, which came into force on June 1, 2021.”

Iberdrola stated:

“No, that is not correct. Your promoted hours remain the same unless you decide to change them.”

I feel that I have been treated with contempt by Iberdrola, who have still failed to send details of the new rates, including those for potencia (power). Their final statement to me was:

“We are sorry that you are thinking of changing to another supplier. You are being correctly charged and we are here to answer any queries that you might have.”

I am aware from the many comments on Facebook that I am not alone in suffering this treatment and I hope that you will feel it worthwhile to report on this issue and possibly even investigate it further. Iberdrola should not be allowed to get away with such disgraceful treatment – all they needed to do was contact us before June 1 but they have still failed to do so.

David Grove

July 13

Further to my original email (see above), on Friday July 13, I instructed Iberdrola to confirm that I would be charged correctly, as stated on my bill, according to the new time periods.

On Monday, I received the following response from Iberdrola:

“Good morning, David. As we indicated you, the new Spanish government rules implemented on June 1, affect for everyone and for all the Spanish retailers. All the contracts have been actualized according to this new Spanish rules and it only affects the prices of the power term (fixed term).

You are continue having a choose eight hours plan. You continue enjoying the same promotion hours.”

Iberdrola has totally ignored my instruction, displaying the same contempt that has been displayed throughout this issue.

David Grove


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