Front line hero Moraira

April 16
My nomination for an unsung front line hero is Dr. Guido Campman of the International Clinic, Moraira, who this week continues to go beyond the call of duty!
I was in agony and unable to put a foot down because of foot and knee damage this week and called the clinic at 9am saying it would be hard to get in. Guido responded with a house call at 9.30 before going to the clinic, gave me a localised injection of cortisone (the only doctor I know who always gets this just right without pain) and by night time most of the pain had gone and I was able to get a good night’s sleep for the first time in some days). He came early next morning to administer a booster injection and a few hours later I was walking without a crutch for the first time in days. He continues to keep the clinic open for emergencies like dog bites, and serious matters, although does not treat coronavirus patients having to refer them to the special phone number. This is the man who was out treating patients almost immediately after having a heart stent put in. Heaven help us if he has to retire, he is the man who has solved so many complex medical squares for our family. Please don’t retire yet Guido. We all need you.
A grateful Peter Howell


  1. Regarding Exodus of British expats because of form 720. This, as far as I am concerned, is just the government’s way of being nosey. No action is ever taken.
    Any UK government pension has to be declared here but tax is paid in the UK and not in Spain. The declaration may bring you into the next band and you may have to pay a little more because of that, but tax will not be deducted. Make sure you tell your assessor that it is a Government civil service pension. Good luck.


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