Designated Days – A Christmas rhyme


December 5, 2016

I enclose a Christmas rhyme which CBNews readers might enjoy and possibly even include in cards that they send.

Best wishes
Chris King

It seems that every passing day
Now has some meaning to convey
The saints and festivals of old
Had their own days for years untold
But now someone can designate
A new cause for a certain date.
Someone invented Groundhog Day
And so that day is here to stay.
Did Cyber Monday pass you by?
Or did you go online to buy?
Do not forget your Valentine
Or wrath will certainly be thine.
Mothers and Fathers have their days
Somehow the Queen has two birthdays!
On Black Friday a hoard avails
Themselves with goodies from the sales.
Former colonies now designate
Independence days to celebrate.
The summer solstice day each year
Is different in each hemisphere.

But one day stands above them all
A day to wonder and enthral
And join with folk to celebrate
To mark this most auspicious date.
This Christmas we are wishing you
Happiness and joy right through
And next year happiness awaits
Each day with all those funny dates!

Chris King


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