Delivery backlog denounced


On page 9 we report that more than 60,000 letters, parcels and notifications are waiting to be delivered in Alicante province due to a shortage of Post Office (Correos) personnel.

A teaser for the story on the Costa Blanca News Facebook page this week produced nearly 50 comments from mostly angry customers.

Helen Meehan stated: “I live in the campo and I’ve had no deliveries for about two months – including a letter from the hospital about an operation date (thankfully the hospital rang me), but it really annoys me when I see the ‘Correos’ van driving past my house most days – even delivering to the house opposite mine.”

Roderick Toms noted. “At the end of July our post delivery lady said she was having a month off from work. We haven’t had any post since then. I’m waiting for letters from the UK and a new bank card. And nothing is being delivered.”

Sally Ellis said: “That explains where my birthday present might be. Only two months late!”

David Stockton reported: “In Calpe we got a month’s mail all at once.”

Ann Kelly noted that she has ‘just had 10 letters delivered dated July’.

Antoinette Foulkes explained that it ‘took four weeks for a priority letter arrive here from HMRC’.

Neil Evans has ‘just had two cards from the UK dated June and one from the hospital in Spain also from June’, which arrived this week in Orihuela Costa.

However, Jenny Hewkin has ‘no problem where I live’ as the ‘postman is here every day and at the same time in our village’.


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