Contingency plan against coronavirus in the Department of Health of Dénia Denia hospital


March 18

Marina Salud has implemented a Contingency Plan for the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.
The Contingency Plan is structured in 4 scenarios (Green, Yellow, Orange and Red), with concrete measures for each phase, based on the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health of the Government of Spain, of the Department of Universal Health and Public Health of the Valencian Government and the available scientific evidence.
The current situation in our Health Department places us in scenario 1 -Green- of the Contingency Plan because:
– The number of positive cases is small
– The population is following the recommendations of the authorities regarding home confinement.
– The use of Hospital and Primary Care Emergencies is being adequate.
Remember the importance of carrying out the Auto test enabled by the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, before making trips to the healthcare centres related to the suspicion of illness due to COVID19. It is important to avoid attending health centres except in case of justified need
In the current situation, this is the summary of the measures we are taking: We have put in place coordination mechanisms with the health authorities and other health departments, to work as a team with the entire public health system and guarantee the effectiveness of the measures adopted.
We have suspended non-preferential scheduled care and we are going to replace it with telephone support where possible. We will contact all those affected by this measure, and in the event that we have not contacted you, you should go to the appointment.
To minimize the concurrence in the scheduled appointments that must be maintained (Obstetrics, onco-hematological day hospital, etc.), we are taking measures that will be duly informed upon arrival at the care centres. Visits are prohibited and it is recommended to remain in the consultation and waiting rooms without an escort.
In urgent care, a circuit has been distinguished for the care of patients with suspected COVID-19 disease. This measure, with the support of all, will help us provide more agile and safe care.
We have implemented a Home Monitoring Programme through which we will monitor the evolution of patients by telephone, if necessary. Hospital areas have been conditioned and enabled to allow the expansion of healthcare spaces if necessary.
On behalf of all the professionals of the Denia Health Department, we reiterate our commitment to take care of the health of the inhabitants of the Marina Alta and we thank them for their collaboration in following up on the recommendations for the control of the epidemic. The sum of everyone’s efforts will help us overcome this situation.


  1. I am confused by part of this report about special measures at Denia hospital… your report says:
    “We have suspended non-preferential scheduled care and we are going to replace it with telephone support where possible. We will contact all those affected by this measure, and in the event that we have not contacted you, you should go to the appointment.”

    I am sure the hospital website including the video (albeit in Spanish) says the opposite…
    ie. if not contacted do NOT go to the appointment… so which is correct?
    I am scheduled for pre-operative tests next week and surgery the following week… until I read your report I assumed all was cancelled??


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