Christmas Wish List


By David Whitney c 2022

Dear Jesus I’m writing this letter
Last year I wrote Santa one too
But he couldn’t assist with my wish list
That’s why I am writing to you
You see I’m a six year old orphan
Who longs for what he’s never had
A home full of love and affection
With a wonderful mummy and dad
My parents were both taken from me
I think I was only just three
But I vaguely remember their cuddles
And the kisses they showered over me
I know it’s a really big wish list
But I know you do miracle things
So if you find me a mummy and daddy
I’d believe you’re a true King of Kings
I know there’s no post code in Heaven
Or street name or house name to write
So I’m just putting ‘Jesus in Heaven’
And hoping it gets there alright
My Christmas would be so exciting
Like a Christmas that I’ve never known
Please Jesus consider my wish list
As each Christmas I feel so alone
I pray every day like a good boy
I cry in my bed every night
Dear Jesus I hope that you hear me
I believe you can put all things right
So I posted my letter to Jesus
In the post box for Santa and prayed
I waited to get back a letter
And I thought that it must be delayed
But then come Christmas Eve in the morning
A couple arrived at the door
They came and they cuddled me tightly
I knew what their cuddles were for
My miracle happened, they loved me
At last all my wishes came true
My letter to Jesus had helped me
Maybe you’d like to write to him too.


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