Albir roundabout plans


January 1

We’ve been told that for 2019 it’s planned a new exit road from the ‘new’ roundabout on N332 (to get to Alfaz), crossing the field, coming out by the ‘Robin Hood Castle’ (on the old road between Albir and Benidorm), to make it easier to get into Albir (avoiding the dreaded crossroad by McDonalds).
And in addition, they are already building yet another entrance road from N332 down to the ‘old road’ past Mercadona.
Has anyone who’s been a part of this planning committee ever seen how bad the traffic jam already can be on the old road leading in to Albir, because the T-junction by Monver works like a nice traffic cork? With two more roads feeding ‘the old road’, it’s going to be a nightmare!
When it’s all finished, we will probably be loving (and using) our ‘old enemy’; the crossroad by McDonalds.

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