Access for disabled

Hand writing text message on the paper sheet. Working as copywriter or journalist. Creative mind and brainstorm. Flat vector illustration

November 25

Dear Editor,

Torrevieja and surrounding areas is a disgrace for disabled people with wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

Some bars have added the obligatory ramp but they are so steep you have no chance of getting up them and even less of getting down without falling out/off head first!

Toilets are another good one, lots of establishments don’t have disabled facilities.

God help you if you need a pee. Then the council plant trees in the middle of a pavement so you have to go into the road – that’s if you can get down the curb which is normally a no no so turnaround and find another route.

There are waste bins put on the pavement, people dumping their old sofas on the pavements, inconsiderate people parking across ramps, the list goes on.

It’s not good being disabled anyway, things like this make it even worse!
Come on Torrevieja and Quesada areas, do something to help.

Chris Driscoll

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