A lane in Spain can lead to so much pain


June 4

Dear Editor,

Why, oh why do the authorities here allow motorists to make a left turn from a right-hand lane at roundabouts?

I have been driving now for 75 years in many countries, and the last 21 in Spain.
In all those years, I have never witnessed so many accidents and near misses at these junctions.

Surely it is about time to stop this stupid, dangerous practice?

Eric S. Lennick

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  1. Dear Editor,
    Mr Eric Lennick asked ‘Why, oh why do the authorities here allow motorists to make a left turn from a right-hand lane at roundabouts?’
    The answer is simple. If motorists weren’t allowed to turn left from the right-hand lane at roundabouts they would have to keep going round in circles until they either went dizzy and crashed or ran out of petrol.
    Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one as in Occam’s Razor.


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