Judges on strike

GRAF1912. TOLEDO, 19/11/2018.- Los jueces y fiscales de Castilla-La Mancha se han concentrado hoy en las diferentes provincias para pedir más independencia del poder judicial, así como unas condiciones dignas para ejercer la profesión, en el marco de la jornada de huelga que han convocado las asociaciones profesionales que representan a ambos colectivos. EFE/Mariano Cieza Moreno

MORE than half the judges in the Valencia region took part in the national strike at courthouses on Monday.

The action was called in the middle of a public outcry over political interference in the judicial system, which sees the big two political parties (Partido Popular and Socialists) decide on which judges are appointed to top positions in the courts.

Full story in Friday’s Costa Blanca News


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