Face masks – new rules on the way

GRAFCVA4058. MANISES (VALENCIA), 12/04/2020.- Un grupo de operarios descarga el nuevo avión con material para la Comunitat Valenciana, un Antonov 124 que es el octavo que ha llegado hasta la fecha con carga destinada al territorio valenciano y el tercero completo. EFE/Juan Carlos Cárdenas POOL

The health ministry has reached an agreement with regional governments over extending the use of face masks.

According to state news agency EFE, it may be necessary to wear face masks in closed public spaces and in the street where it is not possible to maintain a distance of two metres from other people.

EFE noted that the rules on face mask use will be published via a ministerial order ‘in the coming days’.

However, the public use of a face mask has not yet been made law, as has been stated in some English language newspapers.

More information will be published by Costa Blanca News when the order and rules are published.


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