Coronavirus – late update for Valencia region (Sunday)


The Valencia government sent out a press release late yesterday to reveal the data on the coronavirus for the previous 24 hours.

Their figures showed that there were more infections that recoveries in the previous 24 hours – with 210 recovered but 249 new cases reported, perhaps due to the increase in testing (new cases – 49 in Castellón province, 67 in Alicante province and 133 in Valencia).

Councillor for health in the Valencia region Ana Barceló reported yesterday that there had been a total of 6,243 recoveries since the pandemic started.

The number of ‘active’ cases in the region was 3,939 compared to 3,918 the previous day.

However, there were fewer patients being treated in hospital – a total of 792, down from 812 the previous day.

Another reduction in the number of patients in intensive care was recorded, down from 160 to 154.

A total of 18 deaths were recorded in the previous 24 hours in the Valencia region – down by six.

This takes the death toll in the Valencia region to 1,190 since the coronavirus health crisis started.



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