Utilities fear breakup as villages leave

Row between the PP and PSOE parties could see water and rubbish collection rates soar

Arboleas will have to find alternate refuse collection services after it voted to leave the main consortium last week

By David Jackson

Both Galasa and the refuse collection consortium have expressed fears they could become victims of a political spat after the Socialist PSOE party announced plans to set up rival services.

Six councils have announced their intention to leave the Galasa water service, causing the company to warn that its future is in doubt.

The villages of Arboleas, Tíjola, Serón, Urrácal, Armuña and Lúcar have all decided to withdraw from Galasa after the company increased its rates. Garrucha is expected to announce its departure shortly. Together with Garrucha, these towns account for 14 per cent of the company’s income.



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