No reprieve for chiringuitos

Mojacar’s new prom plans passed a second time amid protests from beach bar supporters

‘Save our Chiringuitos’ protesters outside this week’s council meeting to approve the new promenade

By Emma Randle

The next phase of Mojacar’s promenade is going ahead despite a last ditch stand by campaigners to save beach bars in its path, after a second council meeting was called this week.

The promenade was initially approved by the council last Wednesday, but a re-vote was called after opposition party Somos Mojacar claimed it had not been supplied with the relevant plans in time for the session.

Dozens of ‘Save our Chiringuitos’ supporters turned out for the meeting, in the hope of persuading mayor Rosa Maria Cano and the governing Partido Popular (PP) councillors to hold off approving the promenade and re-consider the plans.



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