No more treatment for little Leo

Sad news for brave boy after proton therapy fails to combat tumours

A happy snap of Leo

By Emma Randle

Young cancer sufferer Leo Bermejo will have no further treatment after recent proton therapy failed to halt the growth of aggressive tumours in his brain.

Five-year-old Leo, from Vera, has battled with cancer since the age of two, but now may only have “a couple of months to live”, according to mother Karen Keefe.

The devastating news comes after years of attempts to cure the cancer, including four operations to remove tumours both in Spain and the UK, and a trip to the USA for cutting edge proton therapy.


  1. Hello
    Sorry for my late respond just read this
    Listen there is in my country Belgium a similar case whit a girl 12 years old
    The doctors give this girl up they say there is no therapy for your daughter
    Now the good news they go to Mexico (Monterey ) for a therapy
    Now the Brain tumor shrunk so this is good news
    The Therapy cost about 15.000 Euro
    You can look the whole story in the news paper from 22/07/2017 Het laatste nieuws (belgium)
    I hope you can use this information
    Best regards Chrsis


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