Níjar police in the dock

Four officers on trial for allegedly beating up a German resident

Mr Krings (inset) alleges he was beaten up by local police from Níjar

By Emma Randle

Four local policemen from Níjar were in the Andalucía high court this week facing charges of abuse after a German resident claimed he was wrongfully arrested and beaten up in 2014.

The incident occurred during an Easter parade, when Cluse Krings was in a bar with his wife. He was overheard saying “Here come the fascists” as the procession passed by, after which he claimed he had “an exchange of words” with one of the officers, resulting in a punch up.

He also claimed that on the way to the police station he was taken down a dark alley and beaten up, causing a perforated ear drum and other injuries. The prosecution is asking for prison sentences for “torture and illegal detention”.

The police deny the use of excessive force and allege Mr Krings was drunk and “had to be restrained” after “reacting violently” towards the officers.

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