Man charged after punching cop in city hospital

Second assault in Torrecárdenas in just over two weeks

There have been two assaults at Torrecárdenas hospital in December

By Richard Torné

A man who punched a policeman after threatening medical staff at Torrecárdenas hospital has been charged with assault.

The police were called out after the man, aged 57, threatened two male nurses at the provincial capital’s main hospital on December 27.

Two officers at the scene tried to calm the individual down, placing themselves between him and the two nurses, but he reportedly became more aggressive and threatened one of the policemen, shouting “I’ll get you in the street when you’re not wearing a uniform and then you’ll see”.

He then threw a punch at one of the officers, hitting him on the arm. He was arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer and threatening behaviour. It is the second violent incident at the hospital in the same month.


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