Bentarique in treasure trove bid

Council seeks funds to build replicas and a museum

Part of the Bentarique find

By David Jackson

A stunning treasure trove currently on display in Madrid’s national archaeological museum should be shown in the town of Bentarique where they were found, the local council has said.

The hoard is one of three found in the area, and the only one still in Spain. Comprised of golden Moorish jewellery dating from the 14 and 15 centuries, it was discovered in 1896 by a local businessman. In 1923 it was sold to the national museum for 35,000 pesetas.

Bentarique is a tiny town of just 255 people on the border with Granada, and all attempts to have the trove returned or loaned to the town have been rejected on security grounds.

But now culture councillor Jose Montero has launched a public appeal for contributions towards a fund to have exact replicas made which he hopes to display.


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