Spanish wines for the Chinese New Year


Fortuitously (like the cookies?) this year’s Chinese New Year fell on the weekend of one of the Fine Wine & Gourmet Dine programmes on Total FM. It was an obvious sign – clearly, the Rooster in the sky was telling me to taste, live on-air, Chinese cuisine paired with appropriate Spanish wine!
Now, there’s a thought – Spanish wines which complement Chinese food (and vice versa, of course, as this is the true nature of wine/food pairings). Well, yes, it is a thought, but sadly it doesn’t seem to be one that has occurred to so many Chinese restaurants situated on the costas of Spain! And I mean that. It really is sad that, in my experience (in yours too? Please let me know.), the wine lists, at least in the Chinese restaurants in which I’ve dined during the 20 years, are not in any way designed to partner the cuisine. Lamentable, is a more appropriate word.


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