Maths – the part it plays in sparkling wine appreciation!


I recently spent a good half-hour, probably more, in a very well stocked, dedicated wine shop in Teulada, Alicante. My mission – to select some cava for a wine appreciating friend’s birthday. I was grateful to the maths teacher of my second year in secondary school, Southport, Lancashire – all those years ago, for helping me choose!
Why? Well, when choosing any sparkling wine it helps to have a grasp of what was called, Mental Arithmetic, in those less than halcyon days (it was a dreadful school!). However, it could all me made easier, if the sparkling wine producers played their part. Some do, but many don’t!
Sparkling wine has a shelf-life, which starts from the moment it is disgorged – that is the time when the bottle (talking ‘traditional method’ here) is taken from the cellars where it has been resting upside-down, for at least the minimum amount of time prescribed by the authorities, and the restraining cap is removed.
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