Sometimes you have to walk on the wild side! There may be some who are at this very moment poised with fingers of the laptop ready to write a letter of complaint – we signed up for wine articles, not beer!
Well, to you my wine friends, my apologies, but occasionally I like to ski off piste, and I know that if you have the chance to taste the beers I’m about to describe to you, you’ll probably join me on the liquid gold run, as well as the black, as there is also a stout!
Youngsters, intent on studentship, please avert your eyes for the next two paragraphs!
It seems like another life now, perhaps because it is so long ago, though I prefer to think that it is because of the dramatic change in my life, rather than my increasing age, that I was a confirmed beer drinker. As a student in the 70s, at Teacher Training College and studying Physical Education beer swilling wasn’t so much considered de riguer, as obligatory!