Join the Q!


You have to admit it – we British are good at joining queues! If there’s one forming in the market, the supermarket, the train station etc, it’s likely we’ll go for it. Stands to reason – if there are lots of people queuing for it (we don’t necessarily know at this stage what ‘it’ is) it must be worth it!
It’s also politeness. Mostly, we’re good at that too. We’ll wait our turn and it’s only because, others, are less polite that we go along with the concept of pulling off a numbered ticket. We know when it’s our turn, but others don’t always respect this.
So it won’t come as a shock that I’m suggesting you join the Q – we’re used to it, but perhaps not, yet, to this Q!
DOQ Priorat is an officially and legally designated wine producing area, as is, for example DO Alicante, DO Rías Baixas etc. Located on the eastern side of Spain it sits inland from the Mediterranean coast where the road starts to rise quite sharply from Tarragona, becoming mountainous after only a few kilometres.

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