Denominación de Origen Yecla on English language radio!


A recent Cork Talk started off rather scathingly about the Denominación de Origen system in general, and in particular about some DOs where rumblings of discontent were transforming into, perhaps irreparable, fissures. I was also careful, however, not to tar all DOs with the same brush – some are doing an excellent job for their member bodegas, and indeed for we consumers.
Denominacón de Origen Yecla, fits perfectly into the latter bracket!
I was first invited to join the judging panel for the annual DO Yecla wine competition some five years ago. I was, and indeed have been ever since, the only foreigner to be asked to join the judges. It continues to be a real honour for me – I’ll be there again towards the end of May this year, and am greatly looking forward to it. In this way I will be able to make a small contribution to the competition as I will be looking at the wines from an international perspective, as well, because of my links with the International Wine & Spirits Competition (where I’m going on Monday 11th April, in fact).


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