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Cheaper fuel in Castellón province

TEN petrol stations in Castellón province currently sell diesel for less than 90 cents a litre. In fact, as the price per barrel of Brent...

Irresistible force meets immovable object

By Nuria Pérez THE CONSTRUCTION industry and the coalition government in Valencia are on a collision course for 2016, with low land prices fuelling another...

‘Liar’ call over rubbish plant

By Dave Jones "IT surpasses all levels of indecency and cynicism." This was the assessment of mayor José Manuel Dolón over the opposition presented to the...

‘Positive’ talks in Valencia

By Dave Jones THE LEADERS of Costa Blanca-based pressure group Abusos Urbanísticos No (AUN) have held a landmark meeting with the Valencia regional government. AUN president...

Discover the secrets to a happy life in Spain

SOME of the secrets to happy living in Spain are revealed in a new survey by the British Embassy on how expatriates adjust to...



Benidorm locks-up again

To avoid residents from other regions breaking the lockdown and trying to reach holiday apartments in Benidorm this May 1 holiday weekend, local authorities...

Deep snow in Alicante province

With the north of Alicante province still on red alert for snow today (Monday), around half a metre has fallen in Banyeres de Mariola...

Brexit passport rule changes

BRITISH people travelling within the European Union should be aware passport validity rules will change after December 31 because of Brexit. During the current transition...