Guardamar Moors and Christians


The Guardamar del Segura Moors and Christians celebrations in honour of the town’s patron San Jaime take place from July 18-28.

The town is renowned for its Moors and Christians parades and people come from far and wide to experience them.

Here is the programme of events:

Daily, with the exception of July 25, at 13.00: Bell ringing and rocket launches

Thursday, July 18

20.00: Street Food Market at Parque Reina Sofía, featuring gastronomy from all corners of the world

00.00: Live music with Circo, Ceres, and Dr B López at Parque Reina Sofía

Friday, July 19

20.00: Street Food Market at Parque Reina Sofía, featuring gastronomy from all corners of the world

21.00: Parade with the ‘ladies of the fiesta’ starting from Plaza del Rosario and finishing at Calle San Jaime

22.00: Fiesta opening ceremony

22.30 Presentation of the Moors and Christian associations’ standard bearers

23.00: Fiesta proclamation and coronation of the Dama de Guardamar. The coronation takes place during a dramatisation of the legend of L’Encantà which recounts the story of the Dama de Guardamar

00.00: Live music with the Mecano tribute group Siglo XXI and Street Food Market at Parque Reina Sofía

Saturday, July 20

20.00: Street Food Market at Parque Reina Sofía, featuring gastronomy from all corners of the world

22.00: Multi-coloured parade: fancy dress and music procession with prizes for the best dressed people. Leaving from Plaza San Jaime and finishing at the junction of Calle Mayor and Calle Norte

00.00: Live music with the Rolling Stones tribute group Control Stone and Street Food Market at Parque Reina Sofía

Sunday, July 21

20.00: Street Food Market at Parque Reina Sofía, featuring gastronomy from all corners of the world

20.00: Parade with the Guardamar del Segura musical group accompanied by the Dama de Guardamar, her accompanying ladies, standard bearers and representatives of the Moors and Christians associations. Leaving from the town hall and finishing at Plaza de la Agrupación Musical de Guardamar del Segura

20.30: 13th fiesta music concert by Guardamar del Segura musical group at Plaza de la Agrupación Musical de Guardamar del Segura

20.30: Children’s entertainment, comedy, DJ and Street Food Market at Parque Reina Sofía

Monday, July 22

19.00: Mariners market inauguration in Avenida Cervantes

21.00: Choral concert at the Parque Reina Sofía auditorium, featuring the Aromas de Guardamar choir

22.30: Correfocs (fire run), leaving from the town hall and passing through the streets, before ending up at Plaza de la Constitución

Tuesday, July 23

18.00: Mariners market in Avenida Cervantes

20.30: Moors and Christians associations parade through separate streets of the town until they converge on Plaza de la Constitución

21.30: Re-enactment of the signing of the Tudmir agreement at the Plaza de la Constitución. The pact was agreed on April 5, 713, whereby the Visigoth noble Teodomiro handed over the territory now known as Guardamar to the Moorish leader Abd-al-Aziz ibn Muzá

Wednesday, July 24

18.00: Mariners market in Avenida Cervantes

20.00: First Moors and Christians battle parade from the junction of Avenida País Valenciano and Calle Lepanto to Plaza de la Constitución

21.00: The spectacular battle for the castle and control of the town. The Moors and Christians will battle and the victorious Moors will take control of the castle

At the end of the battle the Mosquetera and La Pluma associations will parade from Calle Mayor to Plaza Labradores

Thursday, July 25 – San Jaime feast day

13.00: Mascleta (an explosive barrage of coordinated firecrackers and fireworks) at the Plaza de la Constitución

19.30: Offering to San Jaime passing along Plaza Labradores, Calle Mayor to the entrance to the church

20.00: Solemn Mass in honour of San Jaime

21.00: Procession with statue of San Jaime, accompanied by the Dama de Guardamar, and military and civilian dignitaries, leaving from Calle Ingeniero Mira and passing through various streets and plazas before arriving at the church

Friday, July 26

20.00: Second Moors and Christians battle parade, with the Christians becoming increasingly frustrated about the Moorish presence in the castle. Leaving from Plaza de Baluarte and finishing at Plaza de la Constitución

21.00: The Christians start their assault on the castle and regain control of the town

After the castle is returned to its rightful owners there will be a parade by La Pluma and Mosquetera associations along Avenida País Valenciano to Plaza Pescadores

Saturday, July 27

20.30: Moorish entry parade, leaving from Avenida País Valenciano and finishing at the junction of Calle Mayor and Calle Norte

Sunday, July 28

19.00: Music band parade, from the junction of Calle Mayor and Calle Norte

20.30: Christian entry parade, leaving from Avenida País Valenciano and finishing at the junction of Calle Mayor and Calle Norte

01.00: Aquatic firework display on La Roqueta beach at the end of the Paseo Marítimo


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