The final edition of the Costa Blanca News


It is with sadness and regret that the staff have to announce that this Friday’s paper will be the last edition of the Costa Blanca News.

After 53 years serving the local community, the paper is closing down

This means that current members of staff will be out of work, although the newspaper title has been put up for sale and offers are being considered by the owner.

We, the staff, would like to thank readers and contributors profusely for your support over the years and to apologise for not being able to carry on producing your weekly newspaper.

All the best, good luck and perhaps ‘hasta la vista’



  1. Sad new thats a shame. Ive always enjoyed reading CBnews when we are in Spain and keeping up on the internet when im away. The best of luck to you all and I hope perhaps we see the Cb news one day again.

  2. Very sad I’ve been reading this for more years than I care to mention always my link back to Benidorm and the costa Blanca’s when in blighty.

    Best wishes and good health in what ever road you take.

  3. What a shame. We always read the Costa Blanca News when we were here on holiday and since moving here 8 years ago we have looked forward to a Friday and the latest edition. We always found CBN reporting to be the most reliable and very much appreciated it during the dark days of the COVID lockdown

  4. Can’t believe you’re closing down.I had a property in Caboroig from 2002 to 2020.CBN was a must have..Thank you and best wishes to all your loyal staff.
    Although I live in Ireland..I will miss you for being there.
    All the best for the future.

  5. I always read it when in Benidorm and love reading what you post online. I am so sorry and do hope it gets going again.

  6. For the past 18 months, we looked forward to buy our weekly CB News every Friday ! How sad
    Thanks for the great content and we wish you all the very best for the future


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