Cost of Living

Hands typing on black vintage typewriter, top view, retro toned

April 25

Dear Editor,

We all knew at the beginning why fuel, supermarket shopping, in fact most things went up.
Now that things have settled down and fuel has gone down, I honestly don’t undertand why supermarkets are still charging silly money for everyday products.

I suppose I would be more surprised if they actually put the prices down. When you have lived here a few years we always expect just before Easter they put the prices up, which most of the supermarkets did.

For me, I am a single person so I can decide what to do without, but if you have a family who want their snacks, and proper food on the table, then those are the people I feel sorry for. I think enough is enough and that the government should step in and sort the problem out.

I know one supermarket director, who said ‘well you don’t have to shop here’.

What sort of statement is that when people are suffering?

Come on supermarkets, put it right!

Sandra Healey

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  1. Yes I agree, Mercadona used to charge 2.50 euros for sal fumant to lower swimming pool pH,
    now it is in a fancy new container for 9.0 euros.
    I thought it must be stronger but see no indication on the label.
    Lemonade too now costs double.
    I am going to try Aldi.
    Mike Reed


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