Water wasting worry

Hand writing text message on the paper sheet. Working as copywriter or journalist. Creative mind and brainstorm. Flat vector illustration


Dear Editor,

A friend of mine recently had his under kitchen sink filters changed (five filters and a largish reservoir bottle.)

The man that replaced the filter (different from the first) said that there is continual water wastage after using the drinking water if there is a micro-pipe fitted with a saddle to the drain under the sink.

He subsequently put in a different system.

Of course I was a little sceptical about the statement for obvious reasons as he was not the original installer, but decided to put it to the test as my system of filtration was the same model.

To my amazement (after disconnecting the overflow pipe and placing a bucket under the end of the now loose pipe) I found that if I drew a glass of water, the overflow pipe continued to deliver about 20 glassfuls of water to waste.

How many times in the summer do you or your family drink filtered water from that particular system?

How many families in Spain take filtered water from that particular model of filtration?
It is not so much the money being charged for water and drainage, as in the ecological footprint of millions of families unknowingly wasting water which is getting scarcer by the year.



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