Illegal dumping of rubbish

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November 21

Dear Editor,

We live on an urbanisation, we always put our rubbish in the appropriate bins and we see our neighbours doing the same.

We are not responsible for the vans and cars that pull up at the side of the road and throw big items around the bins (mattresses, broken furniture, etc.) and then drive away.

Also there is an area across from our villa for ‘garden rubbish only’ but we have seen it used for other rubbish, including dog-waste. My husband has told a few people to go to the bins and he has either been ignored, spoken to abusively and was once threatened.

The council will only take the garden rubbish away, they leave the rest so we (and some neighbours) end up having to clean the area.

Moraira is a ‘very clean place’, the council workers are always hard at work keeping it clean. Mostly it is fly tippers to blame for illegal rubbish dumping.

Yours sincerely,
Moira and Martin Wheatcroft


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