Regional ballot blow for PSOE

03.12.2018, Spanien, Sevilla: Santiago Abascal (M), Parteichef der rechtsradikalen Partei Vox, Javier Ortega (l), Generalsekretär und Francisco Serrano, regionaler Kandidat der Partei nehmen an einer Wahlveranstaltung teil bei der Regionalwahl in Andalusien teil. Bei der Regionalwahl in der südspanischen Region ist die rechtsradikale Partei Vox mit einem zweistelligen Ergebnis neu ins Parlament eingezogen. Foto: Gogo Lobato/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The PSOE party won the regional elections in Andalucía, but has very little chance of staying in power in the region it has ruled for the past four decades. Even with the support of far-left-wing party Podemos, acting regional president Susana Díaz falls short of a required overall majority. Centrists Ciudadanos saw its support rocket, and the PP could form a government with them despite having lost several regional seats. On the other hand, extreme-righ wingers Vox obtained a shocking result of 12 regional MPs and become the key to sound government in the region.


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