SATE cop shop get official seal of approval


Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido – the UK’s equivalent of the Home Secretary came to Benidorm – on Monday afternoon and paid a visit to the newly relocated SATE office in the Rincon de Loix.
Armed National Police locked down the area surrounding the building to traffic, located opposite the Flash hotel causing much hype among the passing British holidaymakers.


  1. Congratulations to vehicle for opening a office..!! Right in the heart of the area were muggings and prostitutes wait around….this office is open…at the right time….Daytime..most of the crime is nighttime.
    According to the local mayor vehicle does not have a crime problem.
    No because the police remove money and jewellery from trouble causing people.. out in the fields.
    Complain about the prostitutes to the police . It is not a crime to solicit but a crime to pay for the service.
    The prostitutes pay the police via money given to a certain tax driver who then meets with the police at a hidden area away from prying eyes.
    So who wins…the police both ways.
    Congratulations to benidorm council allowing a condom machine to be installed strangely enough..on the wall on the opposite side to where the prostitutes acquire there customers. BEST TO HAVE SAFE SEX.

  2. Thank God..this office is in the right place. All these people working in this office, will it be open at night probably not.
    What a great location..close to the prostitutes and the flash hotel condom machine.
    But it looks good.. makes us holiday makers feel safer during the day.

  3. Looks very smart and impressive.. with smartly dressed people..I have seen numerous people still being a acosted by the prostitutes..what a disgrace for the most popular holiday resort in Spain. What a great example for the holiday industry. A changing holiday resort..where would you see half naked ladies dancing on podiums connected to bars to attract the entertainment offered live sex shows…but this is Spain . Congratulations to benidorm national police for clamping down on venues playing bingo..such a bad thing that premises get fined.
    Strippers.prostitutes and live sex shows are OK.
    What a sad state of affairs.!!
    How can benidorm portray itself to be a family resort. A little confusing.??
    Licencing in Benidorm is a big joke. Standards have to be improved, back handers need to stop.
    Start at the top..lead by example. If you have any concerns about benidorm please contact the Guardia civil based in Altea as complaining in benidorm could be difficult.


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