Outrageous fines for swimming


September 25

Dear Sir,
A €6,000 fine for taking a swim in Torrevieja salt lake is outrageous! Shame on the Regional Government!
Overall your news item last week,’ Stay out of the Water’, is disturbing and raises several questions. It is not clear from the article why people should not bathe there. Is it unhealthy? Is it dangerous? Does it interfere with Grupo Salinas ‘dragging’ operations? Perhaps these issues were raised back in 2010 when the decree was approved.
For centuries, elderly people have bathed in the lake, especially less well-off pensioners from Madrid and other cities in the north, coming south on their annual sponsored holidays. They believe in its therapeutic values.
Instead of stopping people from bathing there, they should be facilitating it with proper changing areas, etc.

Yours, etc.
Dorcha Lee


  1. Spain is becoming very greedy and aggressive of late. Perhaps when the tourists start to disappear they’ll hopefully come back to their senses.


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