Ham thief leaves trail of fat to his own door

Bar owner's wife and mother-in-law used the trail to track down the thief

The cured hams were stolen from Los Caracoles bar in Sanlúcar

By Oliver McIntyre

A man who allegedly broke into a bar and stole over a dozen cured hams was identified after he left a trail of fat leading to his own front door as he dragged the hams home.

The owners of the Los Caracoles bar in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz, arrived on Monday morning of last week to discover the bar had been broken into and at least seven legs of ham stolen, along with the cash till and a TV.

Police attended the scene and launched an investigation, but it wasn’t until later in the morning when bar owner Domingo Infante’s wife and mother-in-law spotted the trail of fat on the pavement outside and decided to follow it.

The greasy trail led them straight to the door of a nearby building.

They called the police again to report their find, and officers obtained a search warrant to enter the property, where the alleged thief lives with his parents, and discovered two of the hams, plus the TV and the empty cash till.


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